Three steps to help end plastic waste

Three steps to help end PET plastic waste

Click here to read the article we recently published in POLITICO  outlining three steps to help end plastic waste. 

Here’s a quick snapshot: PET (polyethylene terephthalate)—easily identified by the number 1 on the container—differs from other plastics. A typical PET soda bottle has less than half the total greenhouse gas footprint of an aluminum can and about a fifth of a glass bottle, making PET the most environmentally friendly packaging option.

PET plastic bottles can be endlessly recycled and turned into something new. They can be made with up to 100% post-consumer recycled material; they’re made to be remade. That’s why it’s so important to dispose of our PET bottles and containers correctly. It’s up to all of us to keep our PET plastic out of landfills and waterways, where they never belong. 

Once we, as consumers, do the right thing and put our PET plastic in the bin, it’s up to our communities to collect and recycle it properly. NAPCOR supports well-designed extended producer responsibility (EPR) and recycling refund programs (also called deposit return systems), which are critical to improving and scaling collecting, sorting, and recycling systems.

Learn more in POLITICO

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