PET Recycling Reports

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2023 PET Recycling Report

The 2023 PET Recycling Report marks the 29th year the National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR) has issued and produced an analysis of postconsumer polyethylene terephthalate (PET) recycling activity in the United States. Founded in 1987, NAPCOR is the trade association for the PET plastic packaging industry in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. NAPCOR is dedicated to promoting the PET package, overcoming hurdles to the successful recycling of PET, and communicating the attributes of the PET container as a sustainable package.

NAPCOR’s 2023 PET Recycling Report™ provides the aggregated PET bottle recycling rate for North America, a detailed overview of the recycling of injection stretch blow molded PET bottles and jars in the US, a comprehensive analysis of postconsumer PET recycling and thermoform markets, a study on the use of recycled PET (rPET) in the US fiber market, and a summary of key events and trends in the PET supply chain.

Click here to read our press release about NAPCOR’s 2023 PET Recycling Report top-line findings.

What’s Inside

  • PET Bottle Recycling Rates for North America and the US
  • Postconsumer PET Bottle Recycling Activity
    • PET Bottles Available for Collection
    • Postconsumer PET Bottle Purchases
    • Clean rPET Flake Generation
    • rPET Generation Rate
    • Byproducts of PET Reclamation
    • rPET End Markets
  • PET Thermoform Market Analysis in the US and Canada
    • PET Thermoform Recycling Activity
    • PET Thermoform Market Inputs
    • Thermoform Conversion Feedstock Analysis
    • PET Thermoforms End Markets
    • PET Thermoform Circularity
    • Activity in the PET Thermoform Converter Industry
    • Policy Impacting the PET Thermoform Industry
  • Study on the Use of rPET in the US Fiber Market
    • Context for High rPET Demand and Fiber Applications
    • rPET Fiber Survey Results
    • Market Situation
  • PET / RPET Supply Chain: January 2023 through October 2024
    • Pricing – Virgin / PET Feedstock, rPET Bales, and LNO Pellets
    • US and Canada Reclamation Capacities
    • Non-mechanical Recycling of PET
    • North American VPET Capacity
    • Trade Activity
    • Market Developments: rPET Content and Lightweighting, Legal and Legislative Actions, and Collection Initiatives and Systems

Interested in the Executive Summary or Purchasing the Full Report?

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Availability of Recycling

In 2015-2016, NAPCOR was part of a collaborative industry study led by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) to assess the availability of recycling programs in the United States and the types of packaging accepted in those programs. The study found that over 90 percent of the U.S. population has PET bottle recycling programs available to them; over 60 percent has non-bottle PET container recycling programs available.

2015-16 Centralized Study on Availability of Recycling
2015-2016 Centralized Study on Availability of Recycling for Beverage Containers



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